Monday, January 31, 2011

The Aloha Stadium:)

The mascots made me laugh! They were wearing either thongs or Hawaiian board shorts and floaties! In this pic they brought towels out and were pretending to lay on the beach lol :)

Half-time! They had a Hawaiian band and singer, as well as some other performances! This is a pic of some of the Hawaiian dancers.

All the cheerleaders from the different NFL teams!

Paul and I at the game:)

Getting the entrance ready for people to start coming in! In the back of this pic you can see a Hawaiian band, they were really good!

This is where you exited the party to head to the game! We were just about ready to open so we were coordinating where everyone was going to be working!

We laid all this sand down for the entrance to the party! The NFL really goes all out for parties!!!

Ticket booth:)

Making Hawaiian Leis for the party:)

This hut had some good food for the party! There was a lot of fruit!

This was one of my favorite set ups for the party! :)

They filled these long canoes (not sure what they are called?) with ice and filled them with different kinds of sodas!

More tent set up:)

Setting up inside of the tent! They had all kinds of cool things to do at the party and a LOT of drinks and food!!!

Setting up the stage at the party! They had a Hawaiian band come and play as well as the NFL cheerleaders, a couple NFL hall of famers and some current NFL players come and talk during the party on this stage.

Yesterday Paul and I helped set up and work the 2011 Pro Bowl Tailgate Party before going to the Pro Bowl game at the Aloha Stadium! Here is a pic of some of the tents set up for the party:)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

These little guys like to hang out around our condo complex grounds!

The beach next to our condo complex (Makaha Beach) is known to have really big waves! A lot of people come to surf here and you can see why!!! I LOVE this beach!!! The big waves are so much fun!!

Cacti along the road outside of our condo complex!

These flowers were around the shopping center near our condo, I thought they were really pretty!

More pretty flowers!! There are so many different kinds around the Island, I love it!

These flowers are around our condo grounds! So pretty!

The plants are so pretty around our condo:)

Another pic of the sunset at the beach by our place!

The view while we ate dinner was beautiful!! :)

The other night, Paul and I walked to the beach so we could watch the sunset as we ate our dinner!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We got a pic (w Paul's camera on his phone) of the tents that were set up by Quiksilver on the beach for the competition!

This is a pic of the beach and a little to the right of the center of the pic you can see two lifeguards helping one of the canoe surfers walk up the beach! He was super exhausted! Unfortunately this is when my camera died so I didn't get anymore videos/pics of the rest of the competition!! There will be more in the future though:)

There was also canoe surfing at the competition! Here is a quick video:)

Here is a quick video of one of the surfers in the beginning stages of the competition...

I LOVE the beach by our condo! It has the best sand, warm water and big waves:) I feel so blessed!!

We have the softest sand at our beach!! You sink right into it, I love it:)

Gorgeous flowers along the road as we walk:)

This morning Paul and I walked to the beach next to our condo because there was a surfing competition going on! This is the road we take to get to the beach:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This was on our way back from the beach! We are standing at our condo complex! What a great view! This is the road we walk to get to the beach:)

Here is a quick video of a boogie boarder and then a surfer out on the water this evening at Makaha Beach!

It was fun to watch the surfers out on the big waves!

I took this pic from the beach today. You can't see our condo from here but it is in between those two large mountains!

So it has been about 2 weeks now that Paul and I have lived here and we still hadn't walked to the beach right next to our condo!! So today after he got home from school we decided to do that! And here it is:) It is called Makaha Beach. This is the beach where a lot of surfers and people on boogies boards come because the waves are so big!! Paul and I came to check it out and watch some of the surfers! We are really excited this beach is within walking distance of our place:) We are VERY excited to get surfboards!!

This was another pic I took a few days ago when it rained of the mountains behind our condo! I love the waterfalls that form:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Pacific Ocean! If you look at the lower center of the picture (a little to the right) you can see the Diamond Head lighthouse. It was built in 1899 and is now a fully automated 60,000 candlepower light (which can be seen 17 miles away) that serves as a beacon for ships approaching Honolulu Harbor from East and West.

Here is a shot of Honolulu I took from the top of Diamond Head:) The beach next to the city there is Waikiki Beach. If you look close you can see a pink hotel on the beach. That is where Paul and I were swimming earlier in the day:)

The views were amazing!!! I took a panoramic view of the Island from the top of Diamond Head. Honolulu is on the left. Paul and I live in a Valley on the Leeward (West) side of the Island past Honolulu (you can't see our valley from this view). You can see the top of Diamond Head on the lower right of this picture.

This is looking down on top of Diamond Head. It is believed that Diamond Head Crater (also known as Mount Leahi) was created by a single explosive eruption of steam and ash about 150,000 years ago. It is an almost perfect circle with a diameter of 3520 ft, floor area of 175 acres and is 760 ft high at it's peak. Back in ancient times there were 5 heiau (places of worship) located here, but none are present today.

I tried to get a picture of the trails you hike to get to the top! You can see them on the right with the people walking up and if you look closely you an see the trails on the left as well.

This is a diagram of the Fire Control Station on Diamond Head that was completed in 1910, prior to World War I. It was part of the Island's coastal defense system. It was an observation post for spotting enemy ships that approached O'ahu. Artillary spotters used triangulation to pinpoint enemy targets since they didn't have radar and modern computers. After hiking up Diamond Head on the trails, tunnels and stairs we approached this. We walked where the red arrows are in this picture.

After swimming for a couple hours at Waikiki Beach we decided to hike Diamond Head. Here is a diagram of the path we walked. The trail was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1908 which leads to the Fire Control Station Diamond Head at the summit. The trail is 1.5 miles roundtrip. It feels a lot longer when you are going uphill lol.

This is Waikiki Beach where we swam yesterday with Diamond Head in the background!

Paul and I spent the day on Waikiki Beach yesterday. This is the International Market Square right off the beach. There are tons of kiosks and shops as well as a food court. Paul and I stop here everytime we come to Waikiki Beach.